Your tax deductible donations will help us to outfit an amazing outdoor space, fund awesome learning experiences like a partnership with Herring Gut or Chewonki, build raised garden beds, and purchase engaging reading materials.
Donations made before midnight on December 31, 2024 are tax deductible for 2024!
In accordance with IRS code, Giving Tree Learning Center states that no goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation. Federal Tax ID # 93-1629216
Your tax deductible donations will help us to outfit an amazing outdoor space, fund awesome learning experiences like a partnership with Herring Gut or Chewonki, build raised garden beds, and purchase engaging reading materials.
Donations made before midnight on December 31, 2023 are tax deductible for 2023!
In accordance with IRS code, Giving Tree Learning Center states that no goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation. Federal Tax ID # 93-1629216